
11 January, 2023 by Admin

Role Of Robotic Surgery In Children

Role Of Robotic Surgery In Children

This is an era of minimal-invasive surgery, which includes Laparoscopic Surgery and Robotic Surgery. Laparoscopic surgery is now being used for more than three decades but still has its own limitations in form of a long learning curve and limited range of movement, especially in children with small body cavities requiring reconstructive surgeries.

In robotic-assisted surgery (RAS), the surgeon sits besides the patient on a console and manipulates robotic arms with articulated instruments which are controlled by surgeon’s hand. The surgeon’s hand movements are transmitted inside’s the patients body to perform precise dissection and surture.

The RAS has advantages of providing high definition and magnified 3D vision along with the 7 Degrees of freedom of movement.

This is an advantage, especially in children, because of their miniature size. This helps surgeon not only to perform surgery with great precision but also significantly reduces surgical stress.

Since 2002, when robotic surgery was started, its application in children have expanded in performing wide range of pediatric urologist surgeries like pyeloplasty in pelvic-ureteric junction, obstruction ureteric reimplant in Vesicoureteric reflux, Heminephrectomy, Nephrectomy for renal tumours etc. It is also being used now in Thoracic and gastrointestinal surgeries. RAS can be performed in all age groups, including new borns and infants.

The currently available studies suggest that the safety and outcome of RAS surgeries are almost the same as compared to other conventional surgeries.

Looking at the advantages of robotic surgery, it is important to make use of it’s benefits for the Paediatric population. The safety and the surgical outcome of RAS will surely revolutionise surgical management in children.

Category : Robotic Surgery

Tags: Laparoscopic Surgery, RAS surgeries, Robotic Surgery, Robotic Surgery In Children

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Locations & Directions

BLK-Max Super Speciality Hospital
Building No-5, Pusa Road, Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi, India – 110005

+91 9582 413 828, 8766 350 320 |